The ethos of hard work, determination, and fairness is ingrained in me through the influence of family members, primarily that of my grandfather. He was a very hard-working small trader who, through his diligence, determination, and reputation for fair dealing, advanced to owning one of the most successful businesses in our home country, Bahrain. He has taught me to love a challenge and to regard obstacles as things to be overcome, rather than barriers to further progress on life’s journey, and to seek to excel rather than merely to succeed.
It was my childhood ambition to be a leader in my country and make a significant contribution to the well-being of its people. I made no secret of my dream, which most people around me regarded with amusement. For a time during my teen years, I lost my focus and spent far too much of my energy in pursuing my love of sports, travel, and in socializing. Then the realization came to me that I was ‘at a fork’ in the road and that I must either begin to pursue my childhood ambition or to abandon it consciously.
I decided to pursue my ambition and to do so with energy, determination, and single-mindedness. My family, along with many others, suffered significant financial losses during the recession of 2008, and some of the casualties were caused by the lack of a sturdy legislative framework for banking regulation and financial corruption. For this reason, I chose to study Law.
I chose to seek admission to the undergraduate program in Law at the University of XXXX in England. To be admitted to the program, it was necessary to pass the UK ‘Advanced Level’ examinations. I studied ‘with a will’ and surprised those around me with my rediscovered sense of direction. I was top of my class and obtained first-class results, and so I was admitted to the program from which I expected to graduate in 2016.
I have sacrificed most of my vacations to take every opportunity available to work in a legal environment. I have been fortunate to have been exposed to a wide variety of work and training, both in England and Bahrain. I have enjoyed all these experiences, which have fully confirmed me in my choice of law and have provided an excellent base for further studies and my future career.
My most exciting experiences were gained at XXXX LLP, a major international firm, and at the Arabian Gulf Bank. I was an intern at the former and was involved in researching some of the financial and investment agencies working with the firm and in drafting essential agreements. I learned valuable lessons about how international firms operate, exposing me to the pressures under which lawyers in such firms work. Immediately following that internship, I was allowed to ‘shadow’ the director of the legal department at the Arabian Gulf Bank, who mentored me on individual projects and research assignments which enhanced my problem-solving and interpersonal skills.
I was selected, among 300 student applicants, to work in the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bahrain. This experience called upon applying a high level of analytical ability, logical reasoning, and research skills. It was both demanding and highly satisfying work.
I regard a country’s legal framework as being like a house. If the home is built by skilled workers using suitable materials, it will stand and protect those within it when the ‘winds come,’ as they always will. I want to acquire the advanced skills and knowledge to be one of the ‘builders’ who design and draft legislation to protect those who ‘stand within the walls, and I do not know of any institution which might be more able to equip me with those skills than your own. My particular interests are in administrative law and constitutional reform, and I look forward to the possible opportunity of assisting in research into the effects of constitutional reform in a variety of national legal regimes.
I am aware that there will be many well-qualified candidates seeking admission to the program. However, I believe I can ‘add value to the program, bringing a singular perspective from my own reasonably comprehensive legal and life experiences. I can promise the reader that I shall apply myself with great diligence and enthusiasm to the program for my own, my fellow students, and the School’s benefit.